Solar savings calculator

Solar Savings Calculator

Estimate your potential savings by switching to solar energy. Our calculator helps you understand the financial benefits of going solar.

Solar Savings Calculator

Enter Your Details
Provide information about your electricity usage and property to calculate potential solar savings.
Why Go Solar?

Save Money

Reduce your electricity bills by up to 90%

Clean Energy

Reduce your carbon footprint

Great Investment

Excellent ROI with government subsidies

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is this calculator?

This calculator provides estimates based on average sunlight hours, electricity tariffs, and standard solar panel efficiency. Actual savings may vary based on specific installation conditions, exact electricity rates, and usage patterns. For a precise quote, we recommend scheduling a consultation with our solar experts.

What factors affect solar panel performance?

Several factors affect solar panel performance including roof orientation, tilt angle, shading from nearby structures or trees, local weather patterns, and panel quality. Our professional assessment takes all these factors into account for an accurate system design.

How do government subsidies work?

The Indian government offers subsidies for solar installations through various schemes. Residential installations typically receive 30-40% subsidy depending on the state and system size. Commercial installations may qualify for accelerated depreciation benefits. Our team helps you navigate the subsidy application process to maximize your benefits.

What maintenance do solar panels require?

Solar panels require minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning (2-4 times a year) to remove dust and debris, and occasional inspection of electrical components is typically sufficient. Most quality solar panels come with 25-year warranties and can last even longer with proper care.

Ready to Start Your Solar Journey?

Get a personalized quote and detailed assessment from our solar experts. We'll help you find the perfect solar solution for your needs.